Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.147
EU - Europa 1.323
AS - Asia 497
SA - Sud America 18
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
OC - Oceania 9
AF - Africa 2
Totale 4.007
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.108
GB - Regno Unito 308
SE - Svezia 267
IT - Italia 238
SG - Singapore 208
DE - Germania 165
UA - Ucraina 128
HK - Hong Kong 102
CN - Cina 89
FR - Francia 41
CA - Canada 36
IE - Irlanda 32
BE - Belgio 20
PL - Polonia 20
TW - Taiwan 19
FI - Finlandia 18
RO - Romania 18
ID - Indonesia 16
CH - Svizzera 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
JP - Giappone 12
EU - Europa 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
IN - India 10
AT - Austria 9
BR - Brasile 9
KR - Corea 9
NL - Olanda 9
AU - Australia 6
IL - Israele 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
AR - Argentina 5
MY - Malesia 4
NO - Norvegia 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
TR - Turchia 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
EC - Ecuador 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
CR - Costa Rica 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EE - Estonia 2
ES - Italia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CY - Cipro 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IR - Iran 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
PE - Perù 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.007
Città #
Chandler 357
Durham 246
Fairfield 189
Ashburn 171
Singapore 134
Boardman 123
Woodbridge 112
Hong Kong 100
Wilmington 91
Nyköping 81
Houston 80
Seattle 75
Turin 74
Cambridge 73
San Mateo 65
Ann Arbor 64
Jacksonville 51
New York 45
Beijing 40
Toronto 33
Dublin 32
Los Angeles 30
Las Vegas 21
Brussels 20
Rome 20
Ogden 19
Taipei 18
Hanover 17
London 17
Helsinki 15
San Diego 15
Strasbourg 15
Nanjing 11
Redwood City 11
Chicago 10
Council Bluffs 10
Prague 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Milan 9
Atlanta 8
Leawood 8
Braunschweig 7
Tokyo 7
Vienna 7
Berlin 6
Prescot 6
San Francisco 6
São Paulo 6
Wandsworth 6
Amsterdam 5
Austin 5
Dearborn 5
Eschlikon 5
Moscow 5
Warsaw 5
Appiano Gentile 4
Guangzhou 4
Haifa 4
Jakarta 4
Kosice 4
Miami 4
New Bedfont 4
Nowa Sól 4
Nürnberg 4
Oslo 4
Perugia 4
West Jordan 4
Zielona Góra 4
Acton 3
Delhi 3
Frederick 3
Lappeenranta 3
Montecchio Maggiore 3
Nice 3
Quito 3
Xi'an 3
Abu Dhabi 2
Albenga 2
Ansan-si 2
Aversa 2
Bandung 2
Bientina 2
Brdo 2
Brighton 2
Calimera 2
Caserta 2
Chiswick 2
Cinisello Balsamo 2
Dhaka 2
Flawil 2
Gerbrunn 2
Hamburg 2
Hefei 2
Islamabad 2
Konya 2
Kyiv 2
Leszno 2
Modena 2
Montreal 2
Mountain View 2
Totale 2.734
Nome #
Design and development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for precision measurements of the quantum Hall effect in the AC regime 338
An international comparison of phase angle standards between the novel impedance bridges of CMI, INRIM and METAS 207
GRACE: Developing Electrical Characterisation Methods for Future Graphene Electronics 202
Two-Terminal and Multi-Terminal Designs for Next-Generation Quantized Hall Resistance Standards: Contact Material and Geometry 190
A correlation noise spectrometer for flicker noise measurement in graphene samples 164
Practical Precision Electrical Impedance Measurement for the 21stCentury – EMPIR Project 17RPT04 VersICal 154
A coaxial cryogenic probe for quantum Hall effect measurements in the AC regime 128
The EMPIR Project GIQS: Graphene Impedance Quantum Standard 122
A Comprehensive Analysis of Error Sources in Electronic Fully Digital Impedance Bridges 118
null 115
Implementation of a graphene quantum Hall Kelvin bridge-on-a-chip for resistance calibrations 114
Accessing ratios of quantized resistances in graphene p–n junction devices using multiple terminals 113
Implementation of a graphene quantum Hall effect Kelvin bridge for resistance calibration 112
Error sources in electronic fully-digital impedance bridges 112
Modellazione di quantum Hall array resistance standards per la realizzazione dell’ohm nel nuovo sistema internazionale 111
null 110
Development of gateless quantum Hall checkerboard p–n junction devices 110
Development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for quantum Hall effect measurements in the AC regime 104
Next-generation crossover-free quantum Hall arrays with superconducting interconnections 102
null 97
A fully digital bridge towards the realization of the farad from the quantum Hall effect 97
A Kelvin bridge for resistance calibrations based on a graphene quantum Hall resistance standard: preliminary implementation 89
Nonconventional Quantized Hall Resistance with Equilibration in Millimetre-Scale Epitaxial Graphene p-n Junctions 88
Il progetto GIQS: Graphene Impedance Quantum Standard 80
Maintaining a Local Reference Scale for Electrical Impedance by Means of a Digital Impedance Bridge 80
Un apparato criogenico per misure di effetto Hall quantistico in regime alternato 75
Realizzazione dell’Ohm e di una Scala di Resistenza Elettrica: Metodi di Misura a Confronto 75
Quantum Hall resistance dartboards using graphene p-n junction devices with Corbino geometries 72
Realization of the farad from the quantum Hall effect with a fully-digital bridge: progress report 63
Bridge on a chip: realization of a Kelvin bridge based on quantum Hall elements for resistance calibration 57
A resistance comparator based on a long-scale digital voltmeter 56
Realization of the farad from the quantum Hall effect with a fully digital bridge: progress report 51
Good practice guide on the graphene-based AC-QHE realization of the farad 47
Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect applied to metrology: the EPM project QuAHMET 46
Virtual Training Laboratory for Primary Impedance Metrology 34
PTB-INRIM comparison of novel digital impedance bridges with graphene impedance quantum standards 32
Role of plasma-induced defects in the generation of 1/f noise in graphene 31
Primary Realization of Inductance and Capacitance Scales With a Fully Digital Bridge 30
Ponti di impedenza digitali di nuova generazione per la realizzazione del Farad da campioni quantistici in grafene 27
Metrological assessment of DC current comparator resistance bridges 26
null 26
Novel digital impedance bridges for the realization of the farad from graphene quantum standards 25
Implementation of a graphene impedance quantum standard with an electronic fully digital impedance bridge 22
Il progetto QuAHMET, Quantum anomalous Hall effect materials and devices for metrology: attività all'INRIM 22
null 19
Accurate resistance comparators with ratiometric digital multimeters 19
Misure su effetto Hall quantistico in criostato senza elio 18
On the calibration of DC resistance ratio bridges 18
Traceable Measurements of Mutual Inductance Standards Applied to Large Capacitance Simulation in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 16
QuAHMET: Quantum anomalous Hall effect materials and devices for metrology 16
Comparison of DC current comparator bridges for resistance metrology 15
Atypical Quantized Hall Resistances in Millimeter-Scale Epitaxial Graphene p-n Junctions 13
Longitudinal Impedance Measurements on Graphene QHE Devices 12
Thermal hysteresis of travelling inductance standards 10
Mutual validation of PTB’s Josephson and INRIM-POLITO’s electronic impedance bridges for the realization of the farad from graphene quantum standards 9
Trilateral Comparison Among Digital and Josephson Impedance Bridges 3
A fully digital bridge for the realization of the farad from the quantum Hall effect: progress report 3
Analytical determination of atypical quantized resistances in graphene p-n junctions 1
Atypical quantized resistances in millimeter-scale epitaxial graphene p-n junctions 1
Totale 4.247
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.274
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.274

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 41 39 17
2020/2021799 40 72 66 40 50 97 177 51 88 56 31 31
2021/2022560 86 36 30 32 42 10 61 70 75 46 29 43
2022/2023884 73 69 80 87 88 131 11 108 151 20 27 39
2023/2024891 49 50 76 64 51 54 271 95 83 23 30 45
2024/2025670 40 26 63 19 88 92 172 129 41 0 0 0
Totale 4.247