AE Metrologia applicata e ingegneria  

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4f charge-density deformation and magnetostrictive bond strain observed in amorphous TbFe2 by x-ray absorption spectroscopy / Pascarelli, S.; Ruffoni, M. P.; Trapananti, A.; Mathon, O.; Detlefs, C.; Pasquale, Massimo; Magni, Alessandro; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Celegato, F.; Olivetti, ELENA SONIA; Joly, Y.; Givord, AND D.. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS. - ISSN 1098-0121. - 81:(2010), pp. 020406-1-020406-4. [10.1103/PhysRevB.81.020406] 2010 PASQUALE, MASSIMOMAGNI, ALESSANDROSASSO, CARLO PAOLOF. CELEGATOOLIVETTI, ELENA SONIA + -
A finite element analysis of surface-stress effects on measurement of the Si lattice parameter / Quagliotti, D; Mana, Giovanni; Massa, Enrico; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Kuetgens, U.. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 50:3(2013), pp. 243-248. [10.1088/0026-1394/50/3/243] 2013 MANA, GIOVANNIMASSA, ENRICOSASSO, CARLO PAOLO + -
A More Accurate Measurement of the Si-28 Lattice Parameter / Massa, Enrico; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Mana, Giovanni; Palmisano, C.. - In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA. - ISSN 0047-2689. - 44:3(2015), p. 031208. [10.1063/1.4917488] 2015 MASSA, ENRICOSASSO, CARLO PAOLOMANA, GIOVANNI + 2015_d220_AIP.pdf
A new 28Si single crystal: counting the atoms for the new kilogram definition / Bartl, G; Becker, P; Beckhoff, B; Bettin, H; Beyer, E; Borys, M; Busch, I; Cibik, L; D'Agostino, Giancarlo; Darlatt, E; Di Luzio, M; Fujii, K; Fujimoto, H; Fujita, K; Kolbe, M; Krumrey, M; Kuramoto, N; Massa, Enrico; Mecke, M; Mizushima, S; Müller, M; Narukawa, T; Nicolaus, A; Pramann, A; Rauch, D; Rienitz, O; Sasso, C. P; Stopic, A; Stosch, R; Waseda, A; Wundrack, S; Zhang, L; Zhang, X. W.. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 54:5(2017), pp. 693-715. [10.1088/1681-7575/aa7820] 2017 D'AGOSTINO, GIANCARLODi Luzio, MMASSA, ENRICOSasso, C. P + 2017 bartl avogadro.pdf
A new analysis for diffraction correction in optical interferometry / Mana, G; Massa, E; Sasso, C. P; Andreas, B; Kuetgens, U.. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 54:4(2017), pp. 559-565. [10.1088/1681-7575/aa76af] 2017 Mana, GMassa, ESasso, C. P + 2017 Metrologia diffraction correction.pdf
A Peltier cell calorimeter for the direct measurement of the isothermal entropy change in magnetic materials / Basso, Vittorio; Kuepferling, Michaela; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; L., Giudici. - In: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. - ISSN 0034-6748. - 79:(2008), pp. 063907-1-063907-10. [10.1063/1.2940218] 2008 BASSO, VITTORIOKUEPFERLING, MICHAELASASSO, CARLO PAOLO + 80-RevSciInstr2008.pdf
A Peltier cells differential calorimeter with kinetic correction for the measurement of c(p)(H, T) and Delta s(H, T) of magnetocaloric materials / Basso, Vittorio; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Kuepferling, Michaela. - In: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. - ISSN 0034-6748. - 81:11(2010), pp. 113904-1-113904-9. [10.1063/1.3499253] 2010 BASSO, VITTORIOSASSO, CARLO PAOLOKUEPFERLING, MICHAELA -
A physical insight into magnetocaloric materials by calorimetrry in magnetic fields / V., Basso; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Kuepferling, Michaela. - (2012), p. 15. (Intervento presentato al convegno Thermag V, Fifth IIF-IIR International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature tenutosi a Grenoble, Francia nel 17-20 Settembre 2012). 2012 SASSO, CARLO PAOLOKUEPFERLING, MICHAELA + -
A physical insight into magnetocaloric materials by calorimetry in magnetic field / Basso, Vittorio; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Kuepferling, Michaela. - 2012-5:(2012), p. 15. (Intervento presentato al convegno Fifth IIF-IIR International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature tenutosi a Grenoble nel 17-20 September 2012). 2012 BASSO, VITTORIOSASSO, CARLO PAOLOKUEPFERLING, MICHAELA 97-Thermag_2012_keynote.pdf
A two thickness interferometer for lattice strain investigations / Massa, Enrico; Melis, Claudio; Sasso, Carlo Paolo; Kuetgens, Ulrich; Mana, Giovanni. - (2016), pp. 1-2. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2016 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016)) [10.1109/CPEM.2016.7540796]. 2016 Massa, EnricoSasso, Carlo PaoloMana, Giovanni + 07540796.pdf
Accuracy of Temperature Measurements of the Avogadro-Project / Massa, Enrico; Mai, Torsten; Kuramoto, Naoki; Nicolaus, Arnold; Friedrich, Kathrin; Sasso, Carlo Paolo; Eppers, Daniela; Fujii, Kenichi. - (2018), pp. 1-2. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2018 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018) tenutosi a Paris (France) nel 8-13 July 2018) [10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501059]. 2018 Massa, EnricoSasso, Carlo Paolo + -
An isothermal Peltier cell calorimeter for measuring the magnetocaloric effect / Kuepferling, Michaela; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Basso, Vittorio; L., Giudici. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. - ISSN 0018-9464. - 43:(2007), pp. 2764-2766. [10.1109/TMAG.2007.893862] 2007 KUEPFERLING, MICHAELASASSO, CARLO PAOLOBASSO, VITTORIO + -
Analysis and Optimization of the Magnetomechanical Properties of Terfenol-D Composites at Audio Frequencies / Pasquale, Massimo; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; S. H., Lim. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. - ISSN 0018-9464. - 35:(1999), pp. 3829-3831. [10.1109/20.800679] 1999 PASQUALE, MASSIMOSASSO, CARLO PAOLO + -
Analysis of mechanical and magnetic instabilities in Ni_2MnGa single crystals / Pasquale, Massimo; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Giorgio, Bertotti; Victor, Lvov; Volodymir, Chernenko; ANTONIO DE, Simone. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. - ISSN 0021-8979. - 93:(2003), pp. 8641-8643. [10.1063/1.1540131] 2003 PASQUALE, MASSIMOSASSO, CARLO PAOLO + Analysisofmechanicalandmagnetic0503-1.pdf
Analysis of Stress-Dependent Hysteresis in Soft Amorphous Materials / Pasquale, Massimo; Appino, Carlo; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO; Basso, Vittorio; Beatrice, Cinzia; G., Bertotti. - In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. - ISSN 0018-9464. - 37 (4):(2001), pp. 2281-2283. [10.1109/20.951148] 2001 PASQUALE, MASSIMOAPPINO, CARLOSASSO, CARLO PAOLOBASSO, VITTORIOBEATRICE, CINZIA + 2001 25 PasAppSasBasBeaBer.pdf
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis for the characterization of the silicon materials used to determine the Avogadro constant / Di Luzio, M.; Bennett, J.; D'Agostino, G.; Mana, G.; Oddone, M.; Prata, M.; Sasso, C. P.; Stopic, A.. - (2016). 2016 M. Di LuzioG. D'AgostinoG. ManaC. P. Sasso + DiLuzio_Application of Neutron Activation Analysis for the characterization of the silicon materials_poster.pdf
Assessment of the accuracy of the 28Si (220) plane spacing / Mana, G.; Massa, E.; Sasso, C.. - (2014), pp. 396-397. (Intervento presentato al convegno 29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014)) [10.1109/CPEM.2014.6898426]. 2014 Mana, G.Massa, E.Sasso, C. 06898426.pdf
Barkhausen jumps and magnetic viscosity in NdFeB magnets / M., Lobue; Basso, Vittorio; Beatrice, Cinzia; G., Bertotti; Durin, Gianfranco; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO. - In: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. - ISSN 0304-8853. - 290-291:(2005), pp. 1184-1187. [10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.380] 2005 BASSO, VITTORIOBEATRICE, CINZIADURIN, GIANFRANCOSASSO, CARLO PAOLO + 58-JMMM_2005_LoBue.pdf
Barkhausen noise in nucleation-type hard magnetic materials / Basso, Vittorio; Beatrice, Cinzia; Bertotti, G; Durin, Gianfranco; LO BUE, M; Sasso, CARLO PAOLO. - In: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. - ISSN 0304-8853. - 272-276:(2004), pp. e539-e541. [10.1016/j.jmmm.2003.12.355] 2004 BASSO, VITTORIOBEATRICE, CINZIADURIN, GIANFRANCOSASSO, CARLO PAOLO + -
Bayesian model selection applied to linear regressions with weighted data / Mana, Giovanni; Massa, Enrico; Sasso, Carlo Paolo. - In: METROLOGIA. - ISSN 0026-1394. - 56:2(2019). [10.1088/1681-7575/ab0338] 2019 Mana, GiovanniMassa, EnricoSasso, Carlo Paolo 2019_Bayesian model selection.pdf2019_Bayesian_model_revised.pdf