Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.374
EU - Europa 2.866
AS - Asia 779
SA - Sud America 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
AF - Africa 13
OC - Oceania 9
Totale 10.073
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.277
SE - Svezia 717
UA - Ucraina 513
IT - Italia 510
SG - Singapore 301
DE - Germania 253
GB - Regno Unito 248
FR - Francia 241
CN - Cina 236
HK - Hong Kong 116
FI - Finlandia 96
CA - Canada 83
IE - Irlanda 65
PL - Polonia 56
NL - Olanda 40
RU - Federazione Russa 38
BE - Belgio 30
IN - India 27
KR - Corea 25
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 20
JP - Giappone 17
EU - Europa 14
MX - Messico 13
ID - Indonesia 10
IR - Iran 10
AU - Australia 9
CH - Svizzera 9
ES - Italia 8
VN - Vietnam 8
CL - Cile 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
MY - Malesia 6
RO - Romania 5
GR - Grecia 4
PH - Filippine 4
TH - Thailandia 4
AR - Argentina 3
AT - Austria 3
BR - Brasile 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PE - Perù 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
GE - Georgia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KE - Kenya 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 10.073
Città #
Cambridge 1.131
Chandler 742
Fairfield 517
Woodbridge 440
Ann Arbor 405
Ashburn 327
Houston 297
Wilmington 297
Boardman 278
Singapore 225
Seattle 215
Jacksonville 209
Nyköping 165
San Mateo 150
Beijing 115
Hong Kong 111
Turin 107
New York 100
Dearborn 74
Dublin 65
Rome 61
Kraków 49
Los Angeles 45
Toronto 43
Strasbourg 40
Ogden 37
Helsinki 36
Ottawa 35
Brussels 25
Milan 25
London 23
Amsterdam 21
Redmond 21
Las Vegas 20
Wuhan 20
West Jordan 18
Hanover 15
San Diego 15
Seongnam 15
Atlanta 13
Braunschweig 13
Moscow 13
Torino 11
Florence 10
Guangzhou 10
Miami 10
Sarajevo 10
Tokyo 10
Varese 10
Redwood City 9
Verona 9
Paris 8
Shanghai 8
Auburn Hills 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
Giaveno 7
Hanoi 7
Johannesburg 7
Vimodrone 7
Querétaro City 6
Seoul 6
Teddington 6
Boulder 5
Carshalton 5
Mountain View 5
Munich 5
Nanjing 5
Rufina 5
San Francisco 5
San Maurizio Canavese 5
Sesto Fiorentino 5
Amstelveen 4
Athens 4
Chiswick 4
Nuremberg 4
Phoenix 4
Porvoo 4
Shenzhen 4
Utrecht 4
Vienna 4
West Byfleet 4
Yekaterinburg 4
Abbiategrasso 3
Aryanah 3
Berlin 3
Capri 3
Changsha 3
Falls Church 3
Islington 3
Kuala Lumpur 3
Kyiv 3
Marcianise 3
Norken 3
Norwalk 3
Oeiras 3
Pinerolo 3
Randogne 3
Saganaka 3
St Petersburg 3
Strambino 3
Totale 6.881
Nome #
The H2020 european project DEMETRA: Experimental time services based on European GNSS signals 287
The European Project DEMETRA: Demonstrating Time Dissemination Services 278
Time metrology in the Galileo navigation system: The experience of the Italian National Metrology Institute 261
Preliminary step for a UTC(IT) steering algorithm based on the ITCsF2 primary frequency standard measurements 225
Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with Borexino 224
Near real-time comparison and monitoring of time scales with precise point positioning using NRCan ultra-rapid products 223
The Horizon 2020 DEMETRA project: DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture 219
Latest Improvements at INRIM Time Laboratory 216
Precision measurement of the neutrino velocity with the ICARUS detector in the CNGS beam 210
Further Characterization of the Time Transfer Capabilities of Precise Point Positioning (PPP): The Sliding Batch Procedure 207
Intercontinental comparison of optical atomic clocks through very long baseline interferometry 204
Network Time and Frequency Transfer With GNSS Receivers Located in Time Laboratories 201
Improvements on the UTC(IT) timescale at INRIM 184
Near-real time synchronization through a network of GNSS receivers located in timing laboratories 183
The Time Validation Facility (TVF): An All-New Key Element of the Galileo Operational Phase 181
GPS-based CERN-LNGS time link for Borexino 176
GNSS geodetic techniques for Time and Frequency Transfer applications 174
Advances on the use of Galileo signals in time metrology: calibrated time transfer and estimation of UTC and GGTO using a combined commercial GPS-Galileo receiver 174
GNSS interoperability: offset between reference time scales and timing biases 173
GNSS Interoperability: Offset Between Reference Time Scales and Timing Biases 168
Precise Point Positioning: implementation of the constrained clock model and analysis of its effects in T/F transfer 167
First evaluation of a rapid time transfer within the IGS Global Real-Time Network 164
GPS/GIOVE interoperability: GGTO and timing biases 163
Further Characterization of the Time Transfer Capabilities of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) 160
Calibration of Galileo signals for time metrology 160
Rapid Transatlantic Time Transfer Surveying the Link between USNO and IEN within the IGS Global Real-Time Network 140
Realization of a White Rabbit Timing Link in Italy 134
The Galileo System Test Bed V2 for Orbit and Clock Modeling 130
Intercontinental Comparison of Lattice Clocks Using a Broadband VLBI Technique 125
INRIM Time and Frequency Laboratory: an update on the status and on the ongoing enhancement activities 123
Evaluation of the OD&TS system noise in the GIOVE mission 118
Towards a Galileo Navigation Message 117
E-OSPF Experimentation results in the frame of the GIOVE-M Core Infrastructure 117
Broadband Two-Way Satellite Link Performance for Optical Clock Comparison 116
Time for GIOVE-A, the onboard rubidium clock experiment 116
Evaluation of the OD&TS System Noise in the GALILEO GIOVE Mission 116
GPS/GALILEO Interoperability: GGTO, Timing Biases And GIOVE-A Experience 115
Evaluation of the Time and Frequency Transfer Capabilities of a network of GNSS receivers located in timing laboratories 113
Statement of Compliance (SOC) to the “Galileo Experimental Sensors Stations (GESS) Site Interface Requirement Document (SIRD) 110
Time and Frequency Transfer througha network of GNSS receivers located in Timing Laboratories 109
Interference at INRIM in L2 and related analysis 109
GPS/GIOVE Interoperability: GGTO and Timing Biases 109
Building Galileo Navigation System: Two Years of Giove-M Experimentation 108
Commutatore per scale di tempo 107
INRIM Current Timing Activities for the development of the Galileo System 106
Statistical constraints on station clock parameter in the NRCan PPP estimation process 106
Advances in Time and Frequency Transfer from Dual-Frequency GPS Pseudorange and Carrier-Phase Observations 106
Direct comparisons of European primary and secondary frequency standards via satellite techniques 106
Preliminary evaluation of the INRIM TTS3 GPS receiver 102
In-orbit performance assessment of GIOVE clocks 101
Precise Point Positioning for timing 99
PPP using NRCan Ultra Rapid Products: near real-time comparison and monitoring of time-scales generated in time and frequency laboratories 99
Extensive Cosmic Showers Detection: Metrological Characterization and Optimization of the EEE Timing System 99
Renewal of INRIM Time and Frequency Laboratory. 98
In-orbit performance of GIOVE clocks 97
Estimation and Prediction of the GIOVE Clocks 96
"GPS Time Transfer: Using Precise Point Positioning for Clock Comparisons" 96
Contribution to first assessment of ground and space clock 94
Time and Frequency Transfer through a network of GNSS recerivers located in Timing Laboratories 94
The new Time and Frequency Laboratory Switch Unit 94
Demonstrator of Time Services based on European GNSS signals: the H2020 DEMETRA Project 93
The new Data Measurement System - DMS of the INRIM Time Laboratory 90
The use of GNSS geodetic receivers for time and frequency transfer applications 89
The new Cables Database for the Time and Frequency Laboratory. 88
Improvements in the Realization of the Italian Time Scale UTC(IT) 82
Il Precise Point Positioning: confronto a distanza di orologi mediante ricevitori GPS per geodesia 81
GESS UTC I/F Deployment and Installation Plan 81
IEN Site Readiness Report (SRR) 80
Campagna di sperimentazione del PPP a cura dello IEN e di NRCan 78
The First Months of the Galileo Timekeeping and Time Dissemination: The Role of the Time Validation Facility 77
Measurement of CNGS Muon Neutrinos Speed with Borexino: INRIM and ROA Contribution 73
Muography 67
Dataset for 'Intercontinental comparison of optical atomic clocks through very long baseline interferometry' 67
Extensive cosmic showers detection: the importance of timing and the role of GPS in the EEE experiment 64
CTS for Time Metrology - An overview of the current time and frequency metrology best practices and possible perspectives for timing with muons 57
The File Management System: a highly configurable package for the implementation of automatic flows of files between local and remote machines. 48
Precise Frequency Transfer with Broadband Transportable VLBI Stations 40
Time dissemination services: The experimental results of the European H2020 DEMETRA project 36
Characterization of GNSS receivers for timing applications with inaccurate external reference clock or with internal reference 35
The European Project DEMETRA, Timing services based on European GNSS: First experimental results 35
Il progetto “FRATERNISE”: Facility ad elevata accuRAtezza Temporale pEr espeRimeNti di fISica fondamEntale 33
Experimental time dissemination services based on European GNSS signals: The H2020 DEMETRA project 31
Measuring time to understand the universe 20
Timing Requirements Analysis for Particle Physics and Astrophysics: A Metrological Point of View 17
null 11
Totale 10.280
Categoria #
all - tutte 66.307
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 66.307

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020608 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 69 156 75 143 20
2020/20211.296 188 13 170 13 135 47 237 78 226 107 49 33
2021/20221.152 227 60 38 72 107 43 98 113 132 91 59 112
2022/20231.689 66 109 174 156 189 258 23 190 319 33 83 89
2023/20241.124 83 108 194 83 50 56 133 45 166 59 42 105
2024/2025679 102 27 127 63 103 118 139 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.280