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A joint search for gravitational wave bursts with AURIGA and LIGO / Baggio, L; Bignotto, M; Bonaldi, M; Cerdonio, M; De Rosa, M; Falferi, P; Fattori, S; Fortini, P; Giusfredi, G; Inguscio, M; Liguori, N; Longo, S; Marin, F; Mezzena, R; Mion, A; Ortolan, A; Poggi, S; Prodi, G A; Re, V; Salemi, F; Soranzo, G; Taffarello, L; Vedovato, G; Vinante, A; Vitale, S; Zendri, J P; Abbott, R; Adhikari, R; Agresti, J; Ajith, P; Allen, B; Amin, R; Anderson, S B; Anderson, W G; Arain, M; Araya, M; Armandula, H; Ashley, M; Aston, S; Aufmuth, P; Aulbert, C; Babak, S; Ballmer, S; Bantilan, H; Barish, B C; Barker, C; Barker, D; Barr, B; Barriga, P; Barton, M A; Bayer, K; Belczynski, K; Betzwieser, J; Beyersdorf, P T; Bhawal, B; Bilenko, I A; Billingsley, G; Biswas, R; Black, E; Blackburn, K; Blackburn, L; Blair, D; Bland, B; Bogenstahl, J; Bogue, L; Bork, R; Boschi, V; Bose, S; Brady, P R; Braginsky, V B; Brau, J E; Brinkmann, M; Brooks, A; Brown, D A; Bullington, A; Bunkowski, A; Buonanno, A; Burmeister, O; Busby, D; Butler, W E; Byer, R L; Cadonati, L; Cagnoli, G; Camp, J B; Cannizzo, J; Cannon, K; Cantley, C A; Cao, J; Cardenas, L; Carter, K; Casey, M M; Castaldi, G; Cepeda, C; Chalkley, E; Charlton, P; Chatterji, S; Chelkowski, S; Chen, Y; Chiadini, F; Chin, D; Chin, E; Chow, J; Christensen, N; Clark, J; Cochrane, P; Cokelaer, T; Colacino, C N; Coldwell, R; Conte, R; Cook, D; Corbitt, T; Coward, D; Coyne, D; Creighton, J D E; Creighton, T D; Croce, R P; Crooks, D R M; Cruise, A M; Cumming, A; Dalrymple, J; D'Ambrosio, E; Danzmann, K; Davies, G; Debra, D; Degallaix, J; Degree, M; Demma, T; Dergachev, V; Desai, S; Desalvo, R; Dhurandhar, S; Díaz, M; Dickson, J; Di Credico, A; Diederichs, G; Dietz, A; Doomes, E E; Drever, R W P; Dumas, J-C; Dupuis, R J; Dwyer, J G; Ehrens, P; Espinoza, E; Etzel, T; Evans, M; Evans, T; Fairhurst, S; Fan, Y; Fazi, D; Fejer, M M; Finn, L S; Fiumara, V; Fotopoulos, N; Franzen, A; Franzen, K Y; Freise, A; Frey, R; Fricke, T; Fritschel, P; Frolov, V V; Fyffe, M; Galdi, V; Ganezer, K S; Garofoli, J; Gholami, I; Giaime, J A; Giampanis, S; Giardina, K D; Goda, K; Goetz, E; Goggin, L M; González, G; Gossler, S; Grant, A; Gras, S; Gray, C; Gray, M; Greenhalgh, J; Gretarsson, A M; Grosso, R; Grote, H; Grunewald, S; Guenther, M; Gustafson, R; Hage, B; Hammer, D; Hanna, C; Hanson, J; Harms, J; Harry, G; Harstad, E; Hayler, T; Heefner, J; Heng, I S; Heptonstall, A; Heurs, M; Hewitson, M; Hild, S; Hirose, E; Hoak, D; Hosken, D; Hough, J; Howell, E; Hoyland, D; Huttner, S H; Ingram, D; Innerhofer, E; Ito, M; Itoh, Y; Ivanov, A; Jackrel, D; Johnson, B; Johnson, W W; Jones, D I; Jones, G; Jones, R; Ju, L; Kalmus, P; Kalogera, V; Kasprzyk, D; Katsavounidis, E; Kawabe, K; Kawamura, S; Kawazoe, F; Kells, W; Keppel, D G; Khalili, F Ya; Kim, C; King, P; Kissel, J S; Klimenko, S; Kokeyama, K; Kondrashov, V; Kopparapu, R K; Kozak, D; Krishnan, B; Kwee, P; Lam, P K; Landry, M; Lantz, B; Lazzarini, A; Lee, B; Lei, M; Leiner, J; Leonhardt, V; Leonor, I; Libbrecht, K; Lindquist, P; Lockerbie, N A; Longo, M; Lormand, M; Lubinski, M; Lück, H; Machenschalk, B; Macinnis, M; Mageswaran, M; Mailand, K; Malec, M; Mandic, V; Marano, S; Márka, S; Markowitz, J; Maros, E; Martin, I; Marx, J N; Mason, K; Matone, L; Matta, V; Mavalvala, N; Mccarthy, R; Mcclelland, D E; Mcguire, S C; Mchugh, M; Mckenzie, K; Mcnabb, J W C; Mcwilliams, S; Meier, T; Melissinos, A; Mendell, G; Mercer, R A; Meshkov, S; Messenger, C J; Meyers, D; Mikhailov, E; Mitra, S; Mitrofanov, V P; Mitselmakher, G; Mittleman, R; Miyakawa, O; Mohanty, S; Moreno, G; Mossavi, K; Mowlowry, C; Moylan, A; Mudge, D; Mueller, G; Mukherjee, S; Müller-Ebhardt, H; Munch, J; Murray, P; Myers, E; Myers, J; Nash, T; Newton, G; Nishizawa, A; Nocera, F; Numata, K; O'Reilly, B; O'Shaughnessy, R; Ottaway, D J; Overmier, H; Owen, B J; Pan, Y; Papa, M A; Parameshwaraiah, V; Parameswariah, C; Patel, P; Pedraza, M; Penn, S; Pierro, V; Pinto, I M; Pitkin, M; Pletsch, H; Plissi, M V; Postiglione, F; Prix, R; Quetschke, V; Raab, F; Rabeling, D; Radkins, H; Rahkola, R; Rainer, N; Rakhmanov, M; Ramsunder, M; Rawlins, K; Ray-Majumder, S; Regimbau, T; Rehbein, H; Reid, S; Reitze, D H; Ribichini, L; Riesen, R; Riles, K; Rivera, B; Robertson, N A; Robinson, C; Robinson, E L; Roddy, S; Rodriguez, A; Rogan, A M; Rollins, J; Romano, J D; Romie, J; Route, R; Rowan, S; Rüdiger, A; Ruet, L; Russell, P; Ryan, K; Sakata, S; Samidi, M; de la Jordana, L Sancho; Sandberg, V; Sanders, G H; Sannibale, V; Saraf, S; Sarin, P; Sathyaprakash, B S; Sato, S; Saulson, P R; Savage, R; Savov, P; Sazonov, A; Schediwy, S; Schilling, R; Schnabel, R; Schofield, R; Schutz, B F; Schwinberg, P; Scott, S M; Searle, A C; Sears, B; Seifert, F; Sellers, D; Sengupta, A S; Shawhan, P; Shoemaker, D H; Sibley, A; Siemens, X; Sigg, D; Sinha, S; Sintes, A M; Slagmolen, B J J; Slutsky, J; Smith, J R; Smith, M R; Somiya, K; Strain, K A; Strom, D M; Stuver, A; Summerscales, T Z; Sun, K-X; Sung, M; Sutton, P J; Takahashi, H; Tanner, D B; Tarallo, M; Taylor, R; Taylor, R; Thacker, J; Thorne, K A; Thorne, K S; Thüring, A; Tinto, M; Tokmakov, K V; Torres, C; Torrie, C; Traylor, G; Trias, M; Tyler, W; Ugolini, D; Ungarelli, C; Urbanek, K; Vahlbruch, H; Vallisneri, M; Broeck, C Van Den; van Putten, M; Varvella, M; Vass, S; Vecchio, A; Veitch, J; Veitch, P; Villar, A; Vorvick, C; Vyachanin, S P; Waldman, S J; Wallace, L; Ward, H; Ward, R; Watts, K; Webber, D; Weidner, A; Weinert, M; Weinstein, A; Weiss, R; Wen, S; Wette, K; Whelan, J T; Whitbeck, D M; Whitcomb, S E; Whiting, B F; Wiley, S; Wilkinson, C; Willems, P A; Williams, L; Willke, B; Wilmut, I; Winkler, W; Wipf, C C; Wise, S; Wiseman, A G; Woan, G; Woods, D; Wooley, R; Worden, J; Wu, W; Yakushin, I; Yamamoto, H; Yan, Z; Yoshida, S; Yunes, N; Zanolin, M; Zhang, J; Zhang, L; Zhao, C; Zotov, N; Zucker, M. - In: CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. - ISSN 0264-9381. - 25:9(2008), p. 095004. 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Comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a buffer-gas-cooled molecular beam / Santamaria, Luigi; Sarno, Valentina Di; DE NATALE, Paolo; Rosa, Maurizio De; Inguscio, Massimo; Mosca, Simona; Ricciardi, Iolanda; Calonico, Davide; Levi, Filippo; Maddaloni, Pasquale. - In: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 1463-9084. - 18:25(2016), p. 16715-20. [10.1039/c6cp02163h] 2016 DE NATALE, PAOLOInguscio, MassimoCalonico, DavideLevi, Filippo + c6cp02163h.pdfPCCP_Maddaloni_manuscript_rev_LEVI.pdf
Entanglement distribution over a 96-km-long submarine optical fiber / Wengerowsky, Sören; Joshi, Siddarth Koduru; Steinlechner, Fabian; Zichi, Julien R; Dobrovolskiy, Sergiy M; van der Molen, René; Los, Johannes W N; Zwiller, Val; Versteegh, Marijn A M; Mura, Alberto; Calonico, Davide; Inguscio, Massimo; Hübel, Hannes; Bo, Liu; Scheidl, Thomas; Zeilinger, Anton; Xuereb, André; Ursin, Rupert. - In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. - ISSN 0027-8424. - 116:14(2019), pp. 6684-6688-6688. [10.1073/pnas.1818752116] 2019 Mura, AlbertoCalonico, DavideInguscio, Massimo + Wengerowsky_PNAS2019.pdfpost print CALONICO.pdf
Measuring absolute frequencies beyond the GPS limit via long-haul optical frequency dissemination / Clivati, Cecilia; Cappellini, Giacomo; Livi, Lorenzo F.; Poggiali, Francesco; de Cumis, Mario Siciliani; Mancini, Marco; Pagano, Guido; Frittelli, Matteo; Mura, Alberto; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, Davide; Fallani, Leonardo; Catani, Jacopo; Inguscio, Massimo. - In: OPTICS EXPRESS. - ISSN 1094-4087. - 24:11(2016), p. 11865. [10.1364/OE.24.011865] 2016 Clivati, CeciliaCappellini, Giacomode Cumis, Mario SicilianiMura, AlbertoLevi, FilippoCalonico, DavideInguscio, Massimo + ClivatiOPEX2016.pdf
Measuring molecular frequencies in the 1-10 μm range at 11-digits accuracy / Insero, G; Borri, S; Calonico, D; Pastor, P Cancio; Clivati, C; D'Ambrosio, D; De Natale, P; Inguscio, M; Levi, F; Santambrogio, G. - In: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. - ISSN 2045-2322. - 7:1(2017), p. 12780. [10.1038/s41598-017-12891-6] 2017 Calonico, DClivati, CInguscio, MLevi, FSantambrogio, G + Insero SCIREP2017.pdf
Multimode trapped interferometer with noninteracting Bose-Einstein condensates / Masi, L.; Petrucciani, T.; Burchianti, A.; Fort, C.; Inguscio, M.; Marconi, L.; Modugno, G.; Preti, N.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Fattori, M.; Minardi, F.. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH. - ISSN 2643-1564. - 3:4(2021). [10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.043188] 2021 Petrucciani T.Inguscio M. + PhysRevResearch.3.043188.pdf
Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in synthetic Hall ribbons / Mancini, M.; Pagano, G.; Cappellini, G.; Livi, L.; Rider, M.; Catani, J.; Sias, C.; Zoller, P.; Inguscio, M.; Dalmonte, M.; Fallani, L.. - In: SCIENCE. - ISSN 0036-8075. - 349:6255(2015), pp. 1510-1513. [10.1126/science.aaa8736] 2015 Cappellini, G.Sias, C.Inguscio, M. + 1502.02495.pdf1510.full.pdf
Orientational Melting in a Mesoscopic System of Charged Particles / Duca, Lucia; Mizukami, Naoto; Perego, Elia; Inguscio, Massimo; Sias, Carlo. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. - ISSN 0031-9007. - 131:8(2023), p. 083602. [10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.083602] 2023 Duca, LuciaMizukami, NaotoPerego, EliaInguscio, MassimoSias, Carlo PhysRevLett.131.083602.pdfDuca-2023-Orientational-melting-in-a-mesoscop.pdf
Passively stable distribution of polarisation entanglement over 192 km of deployed optical fibre / Wengerowsky, Sören; Joshi, Siddarth Koduru; Steinlechner, Fabian; Zichi, Julien R.; Liu, Bo; Scheidl, Thomas; Dobrovolskiy, Sergiy M.; Molen, René van der; Los, Johannes W. N.; Zwiller, Val; Versteegh, Marijn A. M.; Mura, Alberto; Calonico, Davide; Inguscio, Massimo; Zeilinger, Anton; Xuereb, André; Ursin, Rupert. - In: NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION. - ISSN 2056-6387. - 6:1(2020). [10.1038/s41534-019-0238-8] 2020 Mura, AlbertoCalonico, DavideInguscio, Massimo + -
Realization of a cold mixture of fermionic chromium and lithium atoms / Neri, E.; Ciamei, A.; Simonelli, C.; Goti, I.; Inguscio, M.; Trenkwalder, A.; Zaccanti, M.. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW A. - ISSN 2469-9926. - 101:6(2020). [10.1103/physreva.101.063602] 2020 I. GotiM. Inguscio + PhysRevA.101.063602.pdf2001.11616.pdf
Realization of a high power optical trapping setup free from thermal lensing effects / Simonelli, C; Neri, E; Ciamei, A; Goti, I; Inguscio, M; Trenkwalder, A; Zaccanti, M. - In: OPTICS EXPRESS. - ISSN 1094-4087. - 27:19(2019), pp. 27215-27228. [10.1364/OE.27.027215] 2019 Goti, IInguscio, M + oe-27-19-27215.pdf
Spatial Bloch Oscillations of a Quantum Gas in a “Beat-Note” Superlattice / Masi, L.; Petrucciani, T.; Ferioli, G.; Semeghini, G.; Modugno, G.; Inguscio, M.; Fattori, M.. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. - ISSN 0031-9007. - 127:2(2021). [10.1103/physrevlett.127.020601] 2021 Petrucciani, T.Inguscio, M. + PhysRevLett.127.020601.pdfArticle_BNSL_final (1).pdf
Strongly Interacting Gas of Two-Electron Fermions at an Orbital Feshbach Resonance / Pagano, G; Mancini, M; Cappellini, G; Livi, L; Sias, C; Catani, J; Inguscio, M; Fallani, L. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. - ISSN 0031-9007. - 115:26(2015), p. 265301. [10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.265301] 2015 Cappellini, GSias, CCatani, JInguscio, M + 1509.04256.pdfPhysRevLett.115.265301.pdf
Synthetic Dimensions and Spin-Orbit Coupling with an Optical Clock Transition / Livi, L F; Cappellini, G; Diem, Marcel; Franchi, L; Clivati, C; Frittelli, M; Levi, F; Calonico, D; Catani, J; Inguscio, M; Fallani, L. - In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. - ISSN 0031-9007. - 117:22(2016), p. 220401. [10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.220401] 2016 Cappellini, GDIEM, MARCELClivati, CLevi, FCalonico, DInguscio, M + Livi PRL2016.pdfPOST PRINT PRL.pdf