Sfoglia per Rivista ACTA IMEKO
CCM pilot study overview: geometrical measurement of the Rockwell diamond indenter
2020 Machado, R. R.; Low, S.; Germak, A.
Design and development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for precision measurements of the quantum Hall effect in the AC regime
2021 Marzano, Martina; Tran, Ngoc Thanh Mai; D'Elia, Vincenzo; Serazio, Danilo; Enrico, Emanuele; Ortolano, Massimo; Pierz, Klaus; Kucera, Jan; Callegaro, Luca
Experimental Characterization of Pantograph Arcs and Transient Conducted Phenomena in DC Railways
2020 Mariscotti, Andrea; Giordano, Domenico
FPGA-based real time compensation method for medium voltage transducers
2015 Crotti, Gabriella; Gallo, Daniele; Giordano, Domenico; Landi, Carmine; Inrim, Mario Luiso2 1
Improvement of the realisation of the mass scale
2020 Zelenka, Z.; Alisic, S.; Stoilkovska, B.; Hanrahan, R.; Kolozinsky, I.; Popa, G.; Pantic, D.; Dikov, V.; Zuda, J.; Coenegrachts, M.; Malengo, A.
Indentation modulus at macro-scale level measured from Brinell and Vickers indenters by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM
2019 Schiavi, A.; Origlia, C.; Germak, A.; Barbato, G.; Maizza, G.; Genta, G.; Cagliero, R.; Coppola, G.
Mathmet Measurement Uncertainty Training activity – Overview of courses, software, and classroom examples
2023 Pennecchi, Francesca; Harris, Peter
Memristive devices for metrological applications
2023 Cabral, Vitor; Cultrera, Alessandro; Chen, Shaochuan; Pereira, João; Ribeiro, Luís; Godinho, Isabel; Boarino, Luca; De Leo, Nastacia; Callegaro, Luca; Cardoso, Susana; Valov, Ilia; Milano, Gianluca
Metrological traceability for the analysis of environmental pollutants in the atmosphere
2015 Rolle, Francesca; Pessana, Enrica; Sega, Michela
Preliminary results of EURAMET Rockwell comparison between INRiM and UME (EURAMET.M.H-S1.A.B.C)
2020 Kuzu, C.; Germak, A.; Origlia, C.; Pelit, E.
Proposed definition for the Brinell hardness indentation edge
2014 Low, S.; Hattori, K.; Germak, ALESSANDRO FRANCO LIDIA; Knott, A.
Recent advancements and perspectives of INRiM’s time-dependent Josephson voltage standards
2023 Durandetto, Paolo; Serazio, Danilo; Sosso, Andrea
Self-calibration of the 1 MN deadweight force standard machine at INRiM
2020 Prato, A.; Mazzoleni, F.; Facello, A.; Germak, A.
Set up and characterization of a measuring system for PQ measurements in a MV site with PV generation
2015 Crotti, Gabriella; Giordano, Domenico
Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation – the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project
2020 Zakrisson, J.; Silander, I.; Forssén, C.; Silvestri, Z.; Mari, D.; Pasqualin, S.; Kussicke, A.; Asbahr, P.; Rubin, T.; Axner, O.
A suitable geometrical model for the verification of Knoop indenters with Gal-Indent optical system
2020 Prato, A.; Origlia, C.; Germak, A.
Validation of numerical methods for electromagnetic dosimetry through near‐field measurements
2015 Giordano, Domenico; Zilberti, Luca; Borsero, Michele; Forastiere, R; Wang, W.
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
CCM pilot study overview: geometrical measurement of the Rockwell diamond indenter / Machado, R. R.; Low, S.; Germak, A.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), pp. 250-255. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.979] | 2020 | Germak, A. + | CCM pilot study overview_geometrical measurement of the Rockwell diamond indenter.pdf |
Design and development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for precision measurements of the quantum Hall effect in the AC regime / Marzano, Martina; Tran, Ngoc Thanh Mai; D'Elia, Vincenzo; Serazio, Danilo; Enrico, Emanuele; Ortolano, Massimo; Pierz, Klaus; Kucera, Jan; Callegaro, Luca. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 10:2(2021), p. 24. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v10i2.925] | 2021 | Marzano, MartinaD'Elia, VincenzoSerazio, DaniloEnrico, EmanueleOrtolano, MassimoCallegaro, Luca + | 925-7339-1-PB.pdf |
Experimental Characterization of Pantograph Arcs and Transient Conducted Phenomena in DC Railways / Mariscotti, Andrea; Giordano, Domenico. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:2(2020), p. 10. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i2.761] | 2020 | Giordano, Domenico + | Experimental-characterization-of-pantograph-arcs-and-transient-conducted-phenomena-in-DC-railwaysActa-IMEKO.pdf |
FPGA-based real time compensation method for medium voltage transducers / Crotti, Gabriella; Gallo, Daniele; Giordano, Domenico; Landi, Carmine; Inrim, Mario Luiso2 1. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 4:1(2015), pp. 82-89. | 2015 | CROTTI, GABRIELLAGIORDANO, DOMENICO + | ACTA IMEKO 2015_COMP .pdf |
Improvement of the realisation of the mass scale / Zelenka, Z.; Alisic, S.; Stoilkovska, B.; Hanrahan, R.; Kolozinsky, I.; Popa, G.; Pantic, D.; Dikov, V.; Zuda, J.; Coenegrachts, M.; Malengo, A.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), p. 4. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.928] | 2020 | Malengo, A. + | 928-6136-1-PB.pdf |
Indentation modulus at macro-scale level measured from Brinell and Vickers indenters by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM / Schiavi, A.; Origlia, C.; Germak, A.; Barbato, G.; Maizza, G.; Genta, G.; Cagliero, R.; Coppola, G.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 8:1(2019), pp. 3-12. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v8i1.650] | 2019 | A. SchiaviC. OrigliaA. Germak + | Indentation modulus at the macro-scale level measured by Brinell and Vickers indenters by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM.pdf |
Mathmet Measurement Uncertainty Training activity – Overview of courses, software, and classroom examples / Pennecchi, Francesca; Harris, Peter. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 12:2(2023), pp. 1-6. [10.21014/actaimeko.v12i2.1310] | 2023 | Pennecchi, Francesca + | 1310-Article Text-10808-2-10-20230523.pdf |
Memristive devices for metrological applications / Cabral, Vitor; Cultrera, Alessandro; Chen, Shaochuan; Pereira, João; Ribeiro, Luís; Godinho, Isabel; Boarino, Luca; De Leo, Nastacia; Callegaro, Luca; Cardoso, Susana; Valov, Ilia; Milano, Gianluca. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 12:3(2023), pp. -5. [10.21014/actaimeko.v12i3.1450] | 2023 | Cultrera, AlessandroBoarino, LucaCallegaro, LucaMilano, Gianluca + | Cabral_2023_Memristive devices for metrological applications.pdf |
Metrological traceability for the analysis of environmental pollutants in the atmosphere / Rolle, Francesca; Pessana, Enrica; Sega, Michela. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 4:4(2015), pp. 62-65. | 2015 | Rolle, FrancescaSEGA, MICHELA + | Acta Imeko_2015_atmospheric pollutants_rolle et al.pdf |
Preliminary results of EURAMET Rockwell comparison between INRiM and UME (EURAMET.M.H-S1.A.B.C) / Kuzu, C.; Germak, A.; Origlia, C.; Pelit, E.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), pp. 256-260. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.980] | 2020 | Germak, A.Origlia, C. + | Preliminary results of EURAMET Rockwell comparison between INRiM and UME (EURAMET.M.H-S1.A.B.C).pdf |
Proposed definition for the Brinell hardness indentation edge / Low, S.; Hattori, K.; Germak, ALESSANDRO FRANCO LIDIA; Knott, A.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 3:3(2014), pp. 3-8. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v3i3.72] | 2014 | GERMAK, ALESSANDRO FRANCO LIDIA + | Proposed_definition_for_the_Brinell_hardness_indentation_edge.pdf |
Recent advancements and perspectives of INRiM’s time-dependent Josephson voltage standards / Durandetto, Paolo; Serazio, Danilo; Sosso, Andrea. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 12:3(2023), pp. 1-6. [10.21014/actaimeko.v12i3.1436] | 2023 | Durandetto, PaoloSerazio, DaniloSosso, Andrea | ActaIMEKO-2023-Recent_Ad_JVS_1436-Article Text-11616-1-10-20230906.pdf |
Self-calibration of the 1 MN deadweight force standard machine at INRiM / Prato, A.; Mazzoleni, F.; Facello, A.; Germak, A.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), pp. 100-105. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.948] | 2020 | Prato, A.Mazzoleni, F.Facello, A.Germak, A. | Self-calibration of the 1 MN deadweight force standard machine at INRiM.pdf |
Set up and characterization of a measuring system for PQ measurements in a MV site with PV generation / Crotti, Gabriella; Giordano, Domenico. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 4:1(2015), pp. 97-104. | 2015 | CROTTI, GABRIELLAGIORDANO, DOMENICO | ACTA IMEKO 2015_PQ .pdf |
Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation – the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project / Zakrisson, J.; Silander, I.; Forssén, C.; Silvestri, Z.; Mari, D.; Pasqualin, S.; Kussicke, A.; Asbahr, P.; Rubin, T.; Axner, O.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), p. 281. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.985] | 2020 | Mari, D.Pasqualin, S. + | PAPER_FEM_FP-deformation_18SIB04_ACTA-IMEKO.pdf |
A suitable geometrical model for the verification of Knoop indenters with Gal-Indent optical system / Prato, A.; Origlia, C.; Germak, A.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 9:5(2020), pp. 216-220. [10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.972] | 2020 | Prato, A.Origlia, C.Germak, A. | A suitable geometrical model for the verification of Knoop indenters with Gal-Indent optical system.pdf |
Validation of numerical methods for electromagnetic dosimetry through near‐field measurements / Giordano, Domenico; Zilberti, Luca; Borsero, Michele; Forastiere, R; Wang, W.. - In: ACTA IMEKO. - ISSN 2221-870X. - 4:1(2015), pp. 90-96. | 2015 | GIORDANO, DOMENICOZILBERTI, LUCABORSERO, MICHELE + | ACTA_IMEKO_2015.pdf |
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